One Hour – Single, or can be shared with a friend
By interpreting your energy, we will learn about how your relationships, jobs and past are supporting or suppressing your overall sense of contentment and fulfillment in life. Additionally, connection can always be made to those who have passed (human or animal…because they’re family too!). Connecting with loved ones and receiving messages are both healing and affirming that we are on our perfect path. Guidance and tools are provided to support your ability to move forward with confidence and clarity.
Amazing Experiences!
”I have known Julie for years! Such a sweet, loving person and very comfortable to talk with. I am most amazed at what she is able to relay back to a person regarding their life and what is or has been going on with complete accuracy. For me the experiences have always been very therapeutic even if there is information relayed that I don't want to think about. I feel like I can re-center myself after every visit with Julie!!"
Soul Retrieval - We are designed to fraction off bits of ourselves during times of trauma or extreme duress. Abuse, accidents and surgery are but a few of the events that cause soul loss. When significant amounts of us are left in past experiences, we lack the oomph to get over them. Experience the gentle return of your soul essence as you receive this powerful healing.
Deposession sounds must more mysterious than it is! During a Shamanic Healing, we pay special attention to energy drains and remove cords that keep us held in the past. Recover the life force that remains committed to others and remove any of their energy or pain you may be holding.
Curse Unraveling will relieve you of negative messages you may have been told as a child or throughout your life that keep you held in the past, preventing healing and forward motion.
Psycho-Pomp – assist in the crossing over of family members who have passed, but not successfully crossed over. By relieving the soul of the bonds of this lifetime, family is also relieved of their pain allowing for progress in healing our grief.
Learn what your power animal is and how to work with them for protection and guidance.
"I saw Julie for a spiritual cleansing of sorts. She has an easy and comfortable way about her that makes you feel safe, like you are talking to a best friend. She truly has a very special gift that I am grateful she is willing to share with others."
Experience recalibration of your 7 main chakras’. A guided journey through your chakras, discover what affects the quality of your life. Imbalance in any chakra shows up both physically and emotionally. By clearing blockages, you bring your energy into present time, no longer feeding memories that are continually fed by our precious life force. Balance returned; your perspective is brought to the present where choices and decisions reflect the mental, emotional and physical balance we all crave.
Self-care IS healthcare!
”What started out as helping a friend with a group meeting 9 years ago, has turned into an important piece in my own health care, self-care, plan. I wasn’t fully aware that’s what I was doing. However, since that first time, I’ve sought Julie out to help me get, or stay, grounded through some of life’s major stresses. Understanding more lends itself to so much more. #lifeisgood I’m so thankful and grateful that I have access to Julie. Breathe in, breathe out. Make your appointment today. :)”
Two hours -
The magical setting of a group, where each guest receives, messages and a check-in with where they are. When we meet as a group, messages received frequently resonate with others present creating an over uplift for everyone! Powerful for small businesses, families and friend groups. We learn that we are connected by experiences deepening our bonds.
"Thank you, Julie for coming to my home, joining me with a few important people in my life, as I approach this milestone birthday. You helped us all see the transitions, openings and opportunities that we should prepare for, and welcome in this beautiful journey of life that is also sometimes filled with challenges. It helps to have great insight from trusted and gifted spiritual leaders like yourself."